A mango party is a fun and festive event that celebrates the sweet and juicy tropical fruit. Here are some ideas on how to host a mango party:

Mango Tasting: Set up a mango tasting station with a variety of mangoes from different countries and regions. Provide scorecards or rating sheets for guests to rate and compare the mangoes based on flavor, texture, and sweetness.

Mango Cocktails: Create a mango-themed cocktail menu featuring drinks made with fresh mango puree, such as mango margaritas, mango mojitos, and mango daiquiris. You can also serve non-alcoholic mango drinks, such as mango lassi or mango juice.

Mango Desserts: Prepare a selection of mango desserts such as mango cheesecake, mango mousse, and mango sorbet. You can also ask guests to bring their favorite mango desserts to share.

Mango Decorations: Set up a mango decorating station where guests can decorate their own mangoes using different toppings such as whipped cream, chocolate shavings, and nuts.

Mango Games: Plan some fun mango-themed games, such as a mango trivia quiz, mango bingo, or a mango eating contest. You can also have a piñata filled with mango candies or small mango-themed prizes.

Mango Sampling: Set up a table with a variety of mango products such as mango jam, mango chutney, mango salsa, and mango-infused snacks for guests to sample and purchase.


Remember to have fun and enjoy the delicious mango treats with your guests!

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